If you wish to quickly browse for a customer by certain information fields:
1. Click on the magnifying glass icon.
Search a customer
2. A search form will open and you are given four different fields to search from: Customer ID, Customer Name, Practice Name, and Office phone.
Customer list opened when the magnifying glass icon is clicked
3. When you find the desired customer, double click and that record will then load in the main browser window.
Note: You can also see Next and Previous customers details by clicking on the arrows next to the magnifying glass icon.
If you wish to search for a customer in an alternative way:
1. Click on the icon Browse located next to the Print mailing label button.
Browse button on Customer form
2. This will change your view to a list. Here you can filter your view to be in alphabetical order, reverse alphabetical order, and so on.
List View of Customers
Note: If you wish this view to be the primary way you view customers you are able to set this option in the Settings > General Settings.
3. Once you have selected the customer you wish to view or edit click the same icon, which now shows, Go to customer.
Go to customer icon
4.Once you click Go to customer, the customer form will load and you can make any changes accordingly.
5. Once you are done making any necessary changes, you will need to click Save and your changes will be saved.
Note: You can also make changes on Customer form if you click on Edit Customer button while you are in list view. After the necessary changes are made click Save.
Edit Customer button while in List View