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Usage: This section is the main configuration screen for Lab Annex. It is strongly recommended that you examine, review, and define these settings prior to using the application.


Navigation: Just click on Settings button.

settings navigation


Settings menu consists of four categories.


Settings menu

hmtoggle_arrow1Lab Settings - set the Time Zone

1. Click on Lab Setting tab under Settings menu.

Lab Settings menu

Lab Settings menu

2. Time Zone field is showing the time zone that the application is currently using.

3. Click on the arrow to the right of the Time Zone field, and select a new zone from the drop down menu that appears.

4. The change is saved automatically.

hmtoggle_arrow1Products - create and maintain the product list

Click on Products tab under Settings menu.


Products menu

Available options:

Add new Product and Refresh buttons are displayed on the form header.
List with the existing products is displayed in the grid section.  You can sort the records to be in alphabetical order, reverse alphabetical order, and so on by clicking on the column header names. Also there are two fields, one for ProductID and one for Description where you can enter a value and perform searches by different criteria.
Before each product there are two icons: delete - Delete, and edit - Edit.
First, Previous, Next, Last buttons and currently seen page number are displayed on the lower left corner.
Page size indicates the number of record displayed on a page. You can select between: 10,20 and 50 records.
The total number of products that are created and the number of pages that exist are displayed on the lower right side of the menu. form.


How to add a Product

1. Click on Add new Product.

add new product

Add new product on Products menu

2. Enter the ProductId and Description.


- Product ID must be unique and you will receive an error if you attempt to duplicate any existing product ID.

- Only Users with administrative privileges will be able to create products.

3. Set Unit Price

4. Two options are available: Taxable - set this if Sales Tax applies for this product.

                                                                  Discontinued - can be checked if the product is not available at the moment but you don't want to delete it. While this option is checked, the product cannot be added to a case in order to be shipped.

5. Click Insert icon insert_update to finish the process.


How to edit a Product

1. Click on the Pencil icon edit in front of the Product you want to update.

2. Make any necessary changes and click the Update icon insert_update to save. If you changed your mind just click on Cancel icon cancel

Note: Product ID cannot be changed after initial creation.


How to delete a Product

1. Click on the Recycle bin icon delete in front of the Product you want to remove.

2. When prompted to delete click Ok.


- You will not be able to delete a product you have used in any previous cases.  

- Only Users with administrative privileges will be able to delete products.

hmtoggle_arrow1General Settings - set date format an customer view

1. Click on General Setting tab under Settings menu.

general settings menu

General Settings menu

2. Date Format and Customer View fields are showing the setting that the application is currently using.

3. Click on the arrow to the right of the Date Format field, and select the format from the drop down menu that appears. Under the field an example will show how the date will be displayed.

4. Click on the arrow to the right of the Customer View field, and chose between View and List to set the desired customer display  type.

Note: List will display all customers in a grid while View will display details of the currently logged in customer. To change this display type you can either come on this form, or simply click on Browse button on the customer form.

5. The changes are saved automatically.

hmtoggle_arrow1User Management - create and maintain user names

Click on Users Management tab under Settings menu.

user management

Users Management menu

Available options:

Add new Username and Refresh buttons are displayed on the form header.
List with the existing users is displayed in the grid section.  You can sort the records to be in alphabetical order, reverse alphabetical order, and so on by clicking on the column header names.
Before each user there are two icons: delete - Delete, and edit - Edit.
First, Previous, Next, Last buttons and currently seen page number are displayed on the lower left corner
Page size indicates the number of record displayed on a page. You can select between: 10,20 and 50 records.
The total number of users that are created and the number of pages that exist are displayed on the lower right side of the menu form.


How to add a Username:

1. Click on Add new Username.

add new user

Add new user on Users Management menu

2. Enter the desired Username and Password.


- Username must have minimum 5 characters, otherwise an error will be received.

- Password field must have minimum 6 characters.

- All Usernames must be unique as you will receive an error if you attempt to duplicate an existing Username.

3. Check Admin option to give Administrative privileges to this user

Note: Users without administrative privileges will not be able to delete any record on any page, change any of the settings, create statements and receive payments.

4. Click Insert icon insert_update to finish the process.


How to edit a Username

1. Click on the Pencil icon edit in front of the Username you want to update.

2. Make all necessary changes and click the Update icon insert_update to save. If you changed your mind just click on Cancel icon cancel


How to delete a Username

1. Click on the Recycle bin icon delete in front of the Username you want to remove

2. When prompted to delete click Ok.


See also: