If you wish to quickly view or edit a case you can search for a certain case in the Case Finder form which is located next to settings and logout.
1. Click on the Case Finder

Case Finder Navigation
2. A new form will load giving you many different fields to search from such as Customer ID, Case #, etc.

Case Finder
3. To narrow your search you also are able to filter your search in two different ways. By case query such as Cases Invoiced, Cases Cancelled, etc and date ranges.
4. Also shown in this form are any Calls related to a case.
5. Clicking on Go to Customer when a case is selected the Customer form will open with details about the customer for which the selected case was created.
6. Once you have selected the case you wish to edit double click on that case and the edit case form will open and you are able to make any necessary changes. case was created.