To add a product to a case you have to make sure that this product is already added to the database. If not please add the product first in Settings . Products section of this application.
1. Click on Add/Edit Products button on Product tab.
New Case form with Products tab selected
2. The Product list form opens with the available Products displayed on the left side.
Product list form
3. Double Click Product in the left panel to add it to this Case.
Product was selected
Note: You can select as many products as you wish. All you need is to double click on the product you wish to add to the case.
4. Click on the selected product and details will be displayed on the lower right panel.
5. Click on the Magnifying glass next to the Teeth Numbers to open Teeth Chart form
Teeth Chart form
6. You can select Single tooth or multiple teeth using the Bridge option.
7. To select teeth click on them in the image. Number of the selected tooth will be displayed on the form lower part and has Remove option to undo the selection.
8. Click Save when done. Teeth numbers are displayed.
Teeth Numbers are added
Note: Quantity is automatically changed when teeth are selected depending on how many are entered. In this case we have a single tooth and a bridge of three teeth so the quantity is set to four.
9. Change Quantity and Unit Price by clicking on More or Less arrows.
Note: Extended represent the Total Price (Quantity multiplied by Unit Price)
• | Add Discount to Case Products - different discount values can be added to different products. |
10. Select the Discount Checkbox.
Discount applied to the selected product
11. Enter Discount Rate
12. Select between Percentage or Flat Amount
13. Select Reason from the drop down field
Note: The Discount will be set only for the selected product.
14. Click on Save to finalize the process
Products are added to the Case
- To Edit the Product list follow the above steps. You can modify the product list by adding or deleting products, or you can modify a selected product details by changing quantity, unit price or adding/removing Discount . You cannot make changes on Product Name, Description or Extended fields.
- To Delete a product you need to click on the Recycle Bin icon in front of the product that will be deleted and confirm your choice. You can do this in the Products tab of the New Case form, or also in the Add/Edit Product form.